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TEDx Talk - The Wisdom Of Questions (English subtitles)

Keynote - Culture and Purpose (in Portuguse)

A conversation with Peter Senge

Peter Senge is a systems scientist and senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management, co-professor of the New England Complex Systems Institute, and founder of the Society for Organizational Learning.

He is known as the author of The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization.

I spoke with him during the Alma Festival, an event by Grupo Anga about the future of leadership in a changing world:

Conversation with Michele Hunt

Michele Hunt has a very diverse backgroun. In 1992, she served on President Bill Clinton's transition team. In 1993, she was appointed by President Clinton to serve as Executive Director of the Federal Institute of Quality.

Prior to that appointment, Michele was Vice President of People at Herman Miller, a Fortune 500 company. The transformation he led resulted in Herman Miller becoming Fortune Magazine's Most Admired Company and a Top 10 Companies to Work For in the US. The company was also recognized as the Best Company for Women and Best Company for Working Mothers.

She is also the author of DreamMakers: Putting Vision and Values to Work and DreamMakers: Innovating for the Greater Good

I talked to her about a new vision for business and its impact on the world:

A conversation with Daniel Friedland

Daniel Friedland was a physician and neuroscientist at the University of California. He was founding president of the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine and CEO of SuperSmartHealth.

He is the author of Leading Well from Within: A Neuroscience and Mindfulness-Based Framework for Conscious Leadership.

We talked about mindful leadership in times of stress:

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