Sobre Ryo Penna

Acting continuously as an entrepreneur, consultant and facilitator for the last 10 years, I carry with me the mission of offering experiences of connection and presence capable of generating transformations at a personal, organizational and social level.
In my experience as an entrepreneur and CEO, I've found that great teams are endowed with three key elements: trust - knowing that all meaningful work is done collaboratively; difference - knowing that great things happen from different points of view; presence - being able to be in the here and now to discover the best decisions to be made, whether they are the big ones or the mundane ones.
As a facilitator and consultant, I had the opportunity to serve more than 100 companies in 9 different countries, supporting leaders committed to generating extraordinary results from integrations in the organizational culture: thinking about the whole and not just oneself; generate value in other dimensions, not just financial; lead based on confidence that the vision will come true rather than leading out of fear of failure.
I lived these experiences, but definitely they do not belong to me. Therefore, I seek to share them as a speaker for clients and events that are looking for a different look at what is actually expected of the leaders of the future with topics such as: Neuroscience and Leadership, Leadership and Artificial Intelligence and How Great Leaders Conduct Conversations.
I had the opportunity to share some ideas at TEDxLaçador with a talk called The Wisdom of Questions, which you can find here.
I am a global consultant at Conversant, an American consultancy that responds to the urgent need of organizations to improve the quality of conversations that people have at work every day and, with that, be more efficient and perform better.
I was co-founder, CEO and board member of Grupo Anga, a holding company committed to solving socio-environmental issues, integrating the search for collective well-being with financial prosperity. Through its consultancy specializing in organizational culture and conscious leadership, Tribo, I collaborated with market-leading companies such as Unilever, DHL and Motorola, as well as unicorn startups and Amazonian communities.
During my undergraduation, I was an active member of the Junior Enterprise Movement, having been president of Brasil Júnior (Brazilian Confederation of Junior Enterprises), FEJEMG (Minas Gerais Federation of Junior Enterprises) and Campe Consultoria Jr - UFJF's junior company.
Throughout these experiences, I worked on projects carried out in countries such as the USA, Japan, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Italy, France, Austria, Belgium and Switzerland.